welcome, to my newest webpage.
I'd like to invite you and your friends to come join me in the world of
Ryan's life...and
and thoughts. I've made webpages in the past and now I'm coming back
with a new kick for 2001. Well through out my life I've stumbled
through many obstacles and bumps and to be where I am now and can't be
anymore grateful. I'd like to dedicate this page to my dearest family
and closest friends who's been with me.
I'd like to give love and prayers for those in my life:
To my loving and wicked dad, my brave mother, my brother who's been the
authoritative figure, and my good old friends who lived around the corner
from me when I was little. Crazy Joe, Political George, Crack Pat, and
"YO" Randy.=P. Throughout your life you choose to talk and
stay with those who are closest to you. thanks for being around
there for me, there is so much I want to do for you guys. My parents
have been such an inspiration in my life. They taught me the back bone to
life and how to strive for my dreams.